1) Sharing content first involves uploading media files to the online service. Application deployed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk, which automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto scaling, and application health monitoring.
2) Original uploaded files are stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service S3
3) Amazon Elastic Transcoder is service to converting video between different digital media format in cloud. Sending the request to Elastic Transcoder for converting uploaded files.
4) Create a transcoding “job” specifying input/upload S3 bucket and how you want to transcoded. You can presets the output format of the transcoded media file. This upload/input S3 bucket are storing the user uploaded asset. Once the transcoded jobs processing is completed, the output file are stored in output S3 bucket.
5) The
output media files
are distributed from Amazon S3 to the end user via Amazon CloudFront, a
content delivery
Amazon CloudFront offers low-latency delivery through a worldwide network of
edge locations.
6) Live
Streaming: With RTMP Amazon CloudFront for stream the output bucket content to
the end user.
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