Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Architect

1) Amazon Cloud Front is a content distribution network (CDN) with edge locations around the globe. It can cache static and streaming content and deliver dynamic content with low latency from locations close to the customer
2) The application is deployed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk, which automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto scaling, and application health monitoring.
3) To provide high availability the relational database that contains application’s data is hosted redundantly on a multiple Availability zones, Here M and S deployment of Amazon- Relational- Database- Service, Amazon RDS. (Master Database). This is only single database per Region. It will point to the login/land page of the application.
4) Personality Database. This Database is instance is increase based on the number of the Doctor’s/Hospital

5) Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) stores all user/customer content, such as doctor uploaded images, manuals, videos and scan document, as well as all log files and clickstream information from Amazon Cloud Front.

6 & 7) To tracking or analysis the customer data to stored on Amazon S3. As well we can  stored the database backup data to Amazon S3.

8) EC2 Instance for system resource OpenOffice, PDFTK and Antiword software. Now we will go with single EC2 for all the Region Elastic Beanstalk API request. Based on the use age, later we will add the EC2 instance Load balance, Auto Scaling.

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